Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Abrams Daughters by Beverly Lewis

I haven't written because I have been reading. Corby had guard this weekend and so I had lots of uninterrupted time. I finished off the Abrams daughters series by Beverly Lewis and I loved them. I will miss the characters. What faith and devotion I was uplifted and satisfied when I finished. Corby said "trust you to find a religion that is stricter than ours to get into." Any way the first one is called the Covenant and there are five books altogether enjoy. Can you believe this wonderful weather? I love this time of year. I need to say a big thank you to my wonderful friends who came over and helped me stain my bathroom cabinets you are the best. Well I am going to exercise so have a great evening.


Kate said...

I hope it is okay I found you! My mom had mentioned you started a blog and now I need to get her to start one. These books sound great! I will have to get them and hopefully still be able to be a good mommy while reading them!!

Kate said...

By the way it is Katie- my blog is!