Thursday, March 13, 2008

My Darling Niece

My sweet niece Lisa left a comment on my last post and it just made me want to write about how much we can love those who are a part of us but not with us all the time. I think of her when she was small and so sweet and giving her mother a run for her money and now of the good decisions she is making and I am so pleased and proud of her. Is this how our Father in Heaven feels about us? I am sure it is just a small taste of his joy as he sees his children "Walk in righteousness" I know that nothing brings joy to a parents heart more than when their children make the right choices and live good lives and I am sure that nothing brings sorrow like watching a child who is hurting themselves by their wrong choices. How hard this life must be at times. I am realizing again how careful we must be when we judge others. We just have no idea what our brothers and sisters are going through. Why is it so easy to look at a situation and be so quick to judge. I am trying so hard to be a person who always gives others the benefit of the doubt. I need others to be gracious and forgiving with me and it is the least I can do with those I come in contact with. Well this was not meant to become preachy I just was thinking about Lisa and hoping that she knows how much I love her and how glad I am that we are in the same family.


busymama said...

beautiful post, I was wondering if the Lisa that commented was "your" Lisa! I'm excited to see my darling niece this weekend!!

Lisa said...

Suzanne, this post is so sweet. I am blessed to be in the same family as you! As soon as it is possible, we need to have another one of our lunches, because I miss them and you! Hope you are doing well. Love you!